Are you are a blogger but always seem to be doing something else? Someone who hardly has enough time on the thing you love, which is blogging?
Or are you too busy on your day job and find less time to work on your passion for blogging?
Good thing there are blogging service apps catered to the community of on-the-go bloggers like you.
With these official apps, you have the luxury and time to create excellent blogs on your mobile phone and still do other essential things in your life.
Why you should be using these mobile apps for blogging on the go

Currently, the world has become more internet-centric. Jobs, communication, and even social interactions are now situated in cyberspace, which tends to be more fast-paced than ordinary life.
For many bloggers and online users trying to compete in this new internet-based period, they need to up their game.
Luckily, technology has adjusted to the times and made efforts to fit with the new lifestyle. Innovators made sure that bloggers were able to still work the way they wanted to by using their mobile devices or tablet devices and with other apps.
Here are the best mobile blogging apps to help you blog on the go and start your blogging journey
Blogging: WordPress app

WordPress is regarded as the best blogging platform. Other established sites still look to WordPress as the leading innovator when it comes to everything that concerns blogs.
The WordPress app has similar excellent features and tools but is packed into a mobile app to fit your mobile device.
You can do all the things you usually do on a desktop computer, like create a new blog post, check on comments, post videos, post images, or track statistics. With this, you can just write something any time to level up your writing skills.
The WordPress app makes customization easy and makes your eventual changeover to a self-hosted website smoother.
The best thing about it is its reader function, which your audience will appreciate if they are also on the go like you.
After using this application, make sure to look at your blog post on the browser on your phone while enabling the desktop view.
This way, you can see what your blog posts will look like to your audience who do not use mobile devices for reading your blog. You can get this on both iOS and Android app.
Blogging: Blogger
Like the WordPress app, Blogger also allows you to write, edit, and publish your blogs hosted on your mobile device.
Both have almost identical features and functions. However, Blogger is simpler to set up and easily access.
Blogger has a free version to download on all your devices.
Blogging: IFTTT or If This Then That

This app is quite useful for on-the-go bloggers because it allows all your blogging apps to connect and communicate with each other to share seamless comments.
With IFTTT, all your necessary apps like Gmail, Instagram, Dropbox, etc., will work hand-in-hand for you to make your website tasks seamless.
You can download the IFTTT app on Android and iOS phones.
Blogging: Buffer
This app is useful for your social media and blog posts when it comes to including images. It works especially well in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
With Buffer, you can add pictures directly from your URL. It is time-saving since you do not have to save the pics to your mobile phone to include them in a post.
Blogging: Tumblr

The 2000s was the heyday of Tumblr, but even though it is not as popular as before, it is still useful today.
Apps like Tumblr are very practicable and easy to use. They make your tasks easier.
Tumblr also accommodates video posts. Tumblr’s themes are also fantastic and quite responsive, which allows you to visit other blogs and view posts with ease.
Text editor: Google Docs
Even though you can write an article within your blogging application on your mobile phone, there is still a chance that all your work might be lost.
An excellent way to blog and add text on mobile phones without the fear of losing what you have written is to write on Google Docs. It has an automatic save function and backs up all your content in Google drive, and makes it easily available to use.
For drafts, you can also use the comments feature to make temporary changes or notes to your post.
You can download Google Docs on iOS and Android.
Photo editor: Pixlr Express
One of the things that make blogs popular and successful is the photos in them. These sites have fabulously constructed and edited pics, with all the embellishments they can give.
Even though there are many image editing apps you can choose from, the best one is Pixlr Express. This app is user-friendly and can easily do all the editing tasks you can do on your mobile phone.
It can also make fantastic collages, remove red eyes, turn people’s teeth whiter, and make pictures more artistic-looking.
It is free to download on Android and iOS phones.
Photo editor: Adobe Photoshop Express

This particular app works especially well on your iPad or iPhone. It is Photoshop for on-the-go bloggers to edit their photos.
Your blog will work well on the features of the free guide version and can design excellent photos for active and roving individuals.
It is also accessible on Android app devices.
Multitasking: Hootsuite
If you have social media accounts, which you use to link to your blog and drive traffic, you will need mobile apps like Hootsuite to make blogging and posting easier.
Hootsuite allows you to post at once in all of your social media platforms. If you have a new blog entry and want to post to all channels, you can do it one time instead of one at a time.
Posting your blog will take on a click of a button. It also works great in scheduling your posts on the different platforms.
The free app will allow you to post on three various channels at the same time. And if you want to add more, it will cost thirty dollars per month.
Traffic analysis: Google Analytics

You will need this indispensable app which will allow you to gain insight into the habits and activities of the visitors to your website.
To make Google Analytics work to your advantage, you will need to do some configurations in your blog before it properly works.
But if your use either Blogger or WordPress, setting it up would not be a problem.
You can download this app for free on iOS or Android phones.
Notebook: Writer
With mobile apps like Writer, you can capture ideas on a blank page without any distractions. The Writer app will make on-the-go blogging easy and be able to express all your ideas.
There is a Focus Mode that allows you to concentrate on the last three lines you have written and fades everything else.
It costs about four dollars to download the app for either Android or iOS devices.
Notebook: Evernote

This app has more functions compared to the Writer app.
Evernote allows you to make audio recordings, to-do lists, and sketch drawings. You can access it on all devices that have this app.
You can download it on Android and iOS devices without pay.
Transcriber: Dragon Diction
All of the apps on this list are quite handy for on-the-go bloggers, and more so with this app.
Dragon Dictation allows you to blog without writing anything, which means it can transcribe your speech. There are several digital voice recorders that work with dragon software, so you can also use it to leave memos for yourself for later.
It also works for Twitter or Facebook accounts.
It is available on iOS and Blackberry devices.
Filing: Dropbox

Dropbox is fantastic in saving files for future use. You can blog anywhere and drag it into Dropbox when you are busy and continue blogging later.
You can save any kind of content – ranging from video, photo, audio, or text. You can even use it to save files from a voice recorder to your computer.
Another good thing about it is you can access it on any device that has the app.
You can download it on iOS and Android phones.
Reading: Bloglovin
If you are an avid reader, you will need this app to be able to read other blog posts easily.
Bloglovin will allow you to assemble your favorite blogs in one format that you would not have a hard time reading. Blog readers should take full advantage of this and have fun reading.
This app is without pay for Android and iOS phones.
Supplemental: Instagram

You probably know about this app already. You can use it to supplement your latest posts or use it for blogging purposes.
Instagram functions similarly to a blogging site; it does all the things blogs already do and may be preferred by bloggers who like posting photos and videos instead of text. You can also use it with Twitter for maximum post reach.
It is free to download on Android and iOS phones.

You do not have to blog with difficulty since the above apps and services can make it easy for busy and on-the-go people like you.
With these apps and a mobile phone or tablet, you can create excellent blogs and carry on with writing wherever you may be, and even start an online business with it.
The blogging community has created ways to provide services for users in need of mobile blogging. Do not miss it, and take advantage of it right now!

I’ve been dictation blogging for over 9 years now and it’s truly changed my life. I teach fellow bloggers the ins and outs of voice blogging so they can take their productivity to a whole new level.