The first thing you need to do is use the DEVICE USB cable to connect to a PC via the USB port—double-tap to choose when a menu is visible, stating OPEN. Then, emphasize the data recorded via LONG PRESS and drag until it is all highlighted. You then DUPLICATE ALL recorded data saved in the device to the PC.
You can BACKUP original audio data recorded in the unit to a database drive network. Also, avoid employing Special Characters in renaming data. Remove the data saved for your recordings’ privacy protection, if any, and always secure a DUPLICATE copy of the original data when editing audio to retrace if needed.
Windows users:
For Windows users, you can utilize a specific USB cable provided for the device to link into a Windows PC via its USB port. On the PC screen, a notification will pop-up saying that it recognizes the new device. You can then remove the new device connected by tapping its symbol as seen below on your PC screen.
MAC users:
For MAC users, you can drive in a USB cable of a book writing voice recorder to connect to your MAC PC. A successful connection will be recognized and will appear at FINDER/UTILITIES/APPLICATION. You can then remove new connected devices found in the FINDER icon below or by dragging to TRASH.
File Transfer instructions for the 20 Most Popular Digital Voice Recorder Models
(NOTE: Not in any particular order)
1. Sony PCM-D100 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony PCM-D100 voice recorder files to your computer
First, you link the device or Linear PCM USB cord into a personal computer via a USB port until it’s successfully identified. Duplicate the data from the Linear PCM device/external disk to transport into a personal computer. The indicator access light mode must be OFF while transporting files. You can then remove the Linear PCM device USB cable from its USB channel on the personal computer.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from a Sony PCM-D100 voice recorder to your computer
You have to attach the device or Linear PCM USB cord into a PC via a USB port and wait until it is recognized successfully. Duplicate the voice recording files from Linear PCM device/external disk to transport into a PC. Linear PCM can amass a maximum of 400 folders, with 199 RECORDS each folder. Lastly, drive out the Linear PCM device USB cable from its USB port on the personal computer.
NOTE: The ‘CONNECTING’ notification stays visible on its Linear PCM device while linked to a personal computer.
How to duplicate data into another folder
Choose the data to be replicated then, under menu OPTIONS, choose COPY/MOVE data and press the enter button. Choose from the arrow DOWN/UP then TAP the play button. The PC monitor states PLEASE WAIT while duplicating data into its binder destination.
2. Evistr L157 transfer to computer
How to transfer Evistr L157 voice recorder files to your computer
Attach the USB cord of the Evistr L157 device into the personal computer via its port of USB in which it must identify its successful device attachment. Locate the Evistr L157 hard drive into the personal computer. Then, duplicate the data saved in its device folder directly into a PC and then safely remove its USB cord attached to the personal computer.
NOTE: Once the device has been attached to a personal computer, avoid pressing any buttons.
3. Zoom H1n transfer to computer
How to transfer Zoom H1n voice recorder files to your computer
Zoom H1n device USB cord may be attached to a PC through the USB port. Tap the arrow DOWN/UP keys visible on the device monitor. Choose the Card reader and tap Enter. Pilot data from the device’s external memory to transport into the personal computer. Duplicate data that is to be transported to the personal computer. From the device monitor, press exit. When finished, detach its USB cord safely from the personal computer.
4. Olympus WS-852 transfer to computer
How to transfer Olympus WS-852 voice recorder files to your computer
The Olympus WS-852 USB cord is associated with a PC through its USB connector, immediately detected. It will come into view as DRIVE and into the PC emerges its device folder. Launch either FOLDER_A to FOLDER_E under device folder data that are to be transported into the personal computer. Duplicate data saved in the device onto the personal computer. Then, eject the device USB cord securely into the PC.
5. Zoom H4n Pro transfer to computer
How to transfer Zoom H4n Pro voice recorder files to your computer
Switch OFF Zoom H4n Pro voice recorder and link its cord into a PC. Switch ON when its USB cord is attached until it is recognized. The OPTION will appear, and then you can choose the USB. Select STORAGE under its USB folder, then press CONNECT. Click OPEN so you can scrutinize the data.
You can then double-tap so you can initiate FOLDER_01 under a STEREO folder. Duplicate data that is about to be transported into the personal computer. EJECT its device safely subsequently after transferring data into the PC.
6. Olympus WS-853 transfer to computer
How to transfer Olympus WS-853 voice recorder files to your computer
Link the Olympus WS-853 device into your personal computer via a USB Cable. The USB cord of the recorder will instinctively come into view as an external device. The device folder will show up on your PC monitor. You can then open either FOLDER_A or FOLDER_E under device folder data that should be transported into the PC. Duplicate data saved in the device into the personal computer. Finally, EJECT Olympus WS-853 into the PC safely.
7. Tascam DR-05X transfer to computer
How to transfer Tascam DR-05X voice recorder files to your computer
Connect its USB connector into the PC USB access entry and choose the DR-05X drive. Folders and data from MUSIC or UTILITY will then come into view. You can now select a folder where data is stored and choose data that are to be transported. Tap its BACK button and detach its device into a PC. The device drive now is safely removed from your PC.
What other things can I do if a voice recorder is associated with a PC?
Create a SUBFOLDER under MUSIC up to TWO subfolders only. Rename subfolders that will come into view on the unit monitor.
NOTE: The PROPER procedures must be followed for removing or ejecting the device safely.
UNMOUNT device then TAP the return key and then click to disconnect and return to the MAIN screen.
8. Zoom H2n transfer to computer
How to transfer Zoom H2n voice recorder files to your computer
Attach the Zoom H2n USB cord into a personal computer via a USB access entry. Tap the OPTIONS key going back to the MAIN options. Then, choose under the USB option the SD CARD READER, then tap its PLAY button. The device’s external disk will come into view on a personal computer screen. You can then locate data from either the STEREO or FOLDER01. DUPLICATE data that ought to be transported. Finally, eject the Zoom H2n device safely.
9. Tascam DR-40X transfer to computer
How to transfer Tascam DR-40X voice recorder files to your computer
Link the Tascam DR40X USB cord into the USB access entry of the personal computer, then choose its DR-40X drive. Folders UTILITY or MUSIC will then appear. Next, choose the FOLDER where data is collected and is about to be transported. Select DATA stored to transport. You can now duplicate the data contained in Tascam DR-40X to a PC. Tap its BACK key on your device and unmount it. Lastly, safely remove Tascam DR-40X into PC once transmitted.
When a voice recorder is attached to a PC, what other things can I do?
Navigate or create a SUBFOLDER under its MUSIC folder. Create until TWO subfolders only. Rename subfolders that will come into view in its UNIT monitor.
NOTE: The PROPER steps must be followed in removing or ejecting the device safely. UNMOUNT device then TAP the return key. Click to disconnect, then return to its MAIN screen.
10. Sony ICD-SX2000 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony ICD-SX2000 voice recorder files to your computer
Connect the Sony ICD-SX2000 USB cord into the personal computer USB channel. The latter must identify its IC device USB cord for successful attachment. The device monitor reads CONNECTING while attached on a personal computer. Duplicate data that is to be transferred in an IC device SD Card into the PC. Remove its IC device or external drive safely into a PC if the signal display did not light up.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from Sony ICD-SX2000 voice recorder to your computer
Associate your IC voice recorder USB cord into the personal computer USB channel in which it must be identified for successful attachment. Note that the device monitor reads CONNECTING while attached on a personal computer. Duplicate the folder covering VOICE RECORDING data saved in its IC device and SD Memory disk into the PC. IC devices will collect data until 5,000 folders as it duplicates 199 data per folder. Lastly, DISCONNECT OR EJECT the IC device from your workstation.
Steps for data duplication into another folder:
First, choose the data to be duplicated. Under menu OPTIONS, select COPY/MOVE data, then TAP the Enter button. To pick, tap its arrow DOWN/UP then, press the enter key. A personal computer monitor will state PLEASE WAIT while duplicating data into its folder destination.
NOTE: Signal display must not light up to remove the external drive safely. Employ a USB cable provided for the IC device to assume that its IC device has malfunctioned directly into the personal computer USB channel.
11. Zoom H5 transfer to computer
How to transfer Zoom H5 voice recorder files to your computer
PRESS the Zoom H5 device power button on, then click arrow UP or DOWN in choosing the USB. Select its external memory reader under USB, then link the Zoom H5 device into the personal computer employing its USB cord. Duplicate the data or folders that are to be transported from the Zoom External Memory into a personal computer. Finally, remove the USB cord safely from the personal computer, then press its device switch button.
REMINDER: The above steps must be adhered to before ejecting the USB cord to prevent damage to data or folders saved.
12. Sony ICD-PX333 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony ICD-PX333 voice recorder files to your computer
Link the IC device USB cord into its USB channel in the personal computer and wait until it is identified as a successful attachment. The Sony ICD-PX333 monitor reads CONNECTING if attached to a personal computer. You can then duplicate data or folders that are to be transported from the IC device/External Memory drive to a PC. Lastly, EJECT the IC device safely from the PC USB channel if the warning light did not turn on.
Steps in renaming folders
Connect the IC device USB cable into its USB channel on the personal computer. The same will identify successful connections on its IC device USB cord. Then, choose stored data under the HOME option and TAP the enter key. Click the arrow UP or DOWN in choosing FOLDERS, and then tap the enter key. You can then select BUILT-IN-MEMORY or EXTERNAL DISK located in its folders’ window and tap the arrow UP or DOWN in choosing folders that you want to rename.
Choose CHANGE FOLDER NAME that is visible under OPTION. Press the arrow UP or DOWN in choosing the FOLDER NAME, and then click the enter key. After renaming the data or folder, PLEASE WAIT will be visible in the IC monitor until successfully renamed.
NOTE: Employ the USB cable provided for an IC device to assume that the device has malfunctioned when directly attached to a personal computer USB channel.
13. Sony ICD-UX533F transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony ICD-UX533F voice recorder files to your computer
Attach the USB cord in the IC device onto the personal computer USB channel and determine if the IC device USB cord is recognized. Note that the device monitor exhibits CONNECTING when attached to a personal computer. Duplicate the data or folders saved in an IC device/External Memory drive to a PC. The signal display must not light up to remove its external drive safely.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from Sony ICD-UX533F voice recorder to your computer
Attach the USB cord to its IC device on a personal computer USB channel. It must determine its IC device USB cable. The device monitor will read CONNECTING when attached on a personal computer. Duplicate the data or binder comprising VOICE RECORDING files saved in an IC device/external memory drive on a PC. IC devices store up to 400 folders and are capable of replicating until 199 data per folder.
For a unit’s safe removal from the PC, a warning sign must not show up.
14. Roland R-05 transfer to computer
How to transfer Roland R-05 voice recorder files to your computer
First off, you must press the switch button on your personal computer. SLOT IN the external memory disk into the Roland R-05 device. Tap the start button, and OPTION will come into view on the device monitor. Tap any of the [MENU] [FINDER] several times to access its central monitor. Then, link the USB cord of Roland R-05 on a personal computer.
Navigate the FOLDER to determine which data are saved and are for transference. Next, choose data to be duplicated in the device on a PC. After replicating or transporting data on a PC, safely eject its USB cord.
What things must you do while a USB cord in a voice recorder is attached to a PC?
Firstly, you must prevent moving the USB cord copper parts. See to it that its external memory disk is firmly set in the slot. Otherwise, it appears as NO DISK INSERTED. Ensure that OPTIONS wasn’t confirmed, or you avoid playing back the taping because its disk drive would be unidentified. Lastly, you can eject safely the USB cord connecting Roland R-05 into the PC, then DRIVE out or repeat the method from step 3.
15. Sony PCM-D10 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony PCM-D10 voice recorder files to your computer
Attach the Linear PCM USB FORM-C cord into the personal computer USB channel using the USB FORM-C cable. Do this to recognize its Linear PCM device for successful attachment. Duplicate the data or folder that needs to be transported from the Linear PCM or External SD drive to a personal computer. After the transfer is completed, you can eject the device USB FORM-C cord from the personal computer USB FORM-C channel.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from Sony PCM-D10 voice recorder to your computer
Link the Linear PCM USB FORM-C cord into the PC USB channel employing a USB FORM-C cable. It must detect its Linear PCM device for successful attachment. You can then duplicate the data or folder containing VOICE RECORDINGS data saved in its REC_FILE folder or MUSIC folder. Linear PCM is capable of collecting 5000 folders, and it can duplicate up to 199 data per folder. When you’re done, you can eject the USB FORM-C cable provided for Linear PCM devices from its PC USB FORM-C channel.
REMINDER: Linear PCM monitor exhibits the label CONNECTING while attached on a personal computer.
What constraints are there for the Linear PCM voice recorder?
Data stored must be at a maximum allocated period only. Also, the data from voice recordings are not played and presented in any order. Data stored will be spontaneously separated. Encoded letters will again come into view in uppercase, and an illegible symbol in its folder/artist/data is stored. The obtainable period of a recording will shorten once data are separated.
16. Sony ICD-SX712 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony ICD-SX712 voice recorder files to your computer
Put in the IC device USB connector on a PC USB channel and wait until it recognizes its IC device USB cord to link. The Sony ICD-SX712 voice recorder window reads as CONNECTING while attached to a PC. As it does, you can now duplicate folders or data in its external disk drive or IC device to a PC to transmit. After the transfer, you can now disconnect its IC device or USB Mass disk safely from the personal computer USB channel once the light mode is OFF.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from Sony ICD-SX712 voice recorder to your computer
Insert the IC device USB connector on a personal computer USB channel once recognized to connect. The Sony ICD-SX712 device window reads as CONNECTING while attached to a personal computer. You can then duplicate the data or folder comprising VOICE RECORDINGS data saved in its IC recorder/SD Memory disk on a PC. Detach the IC device or external drive safely from the personal computer once the signal light turns off. The previously saved voice recording is now moved to your PC.
From its IC device BUILT-IN-MEMORY organizer
Data is saved spontaneously in VOICE under its IC device. Under its VOICE folder are FOLDER_01, FOLDER_02, FOLDER_03, FOLDER_04, FOLDER_05, respectively. Folders to be transmitted to a PC are also organized accordingly under its MUSIC folder or PODCASTS.
From an External hard disk of Sony ICD-SX712 organizer
Data is collected immediately in its PRIVATE folder. You can OPEN the Sony folder under its PRIVATE folder, and the VOICE folder will be visible under its SONY folder having FOLDER_A, FOLDER_B, FOLDER_C, FOLDER_D, FOLDER_E, labels respectively. Folders to be transported to a personal computer are also organized accordingly under its MUSIC folder or PODCASTS.
NOTE: It would show as UNKNOWN if the data saved has no NAME or ARTIST name.
17. Sony ICD-PX470 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony ICD-PX470 voice recorder files to your computer
The first thing to do is attach the IC device USB connector to a personal computer USB channel. Then the same must recognize its IC device USB cord to join. The device screen reads as CONNECTING when it is still attached to a personal computer. You can then start duplicating the data or binders that ought to be transported in the IC device or external memory disk on a personal computer.
Once the light mode is OFF, you can safely remove the IC voice recorder or its USB Mass disk.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from Sony ICD-PX470 voice recorder to your computer
Initially, you connect the IC device USB cable to a personal computer USB channel wherein the latter must recognize the USB cord’s IC device to join. The device pane will read CONNECTING when attached to a PC. You can then duplicate the data or binder comprising voice recordings data saved in its REC_FILE or MUSIC folder. IC devices are capable of collecting 5000 folders, and they can copy 199 data in one folder. When the light mode is OFF, detach the Sony ICD-PX470 voice recorder from the personal computer USB channel.
Information on saved data before transporting to a personal computer
Data saved in the folder REC_FILE will come into view under Recorded files. On the other hand, the MUSIC folder falls under Music. See to it that it is visible in its REC_FILE folder or MUSIC folder upon transporting data. Renamed data would aid in recognizing folders so they are quick to locate. The IC device can identify eight stages from transported AUDIO folders. However, IC devices are incapable of identifying either folder or data collected in some folder organizer stages.
18. Sony ICD-PX440 transfer to computer
How to transfer Sony ICD-PX440 voice recorder files to your computer
First, link the Sony ICD-PX440 device USB connector to your computer USB channel until it recognizes its IC device USB connection. Its device window reads as CONNECTING when attached to a personal computer. You can then transport data or folders from the IC device or external memory disk to a personal computer. The signal light must be off before you can safely remove the external memory disk drive or its IC device.
What are the limitations of IC Devices?
Voice recordings are neither played nor presented in the right order. Illegible symbols also will come into view as binder/artist. Moreover, stored data will have a maximum allocated time, and data stored will be separated spontaneously. Encoded letters should also be in uppercase.
19. Sony ICD-UX560F file transfer
How to transfer Sony ICD-UX560F voice recorder files to your computer
Attach the IC device USB cord to your computer USB channel and wait until recognized for successful attachment on its IC device cord. The device pane reads as CONNECTING when it is still attached to a PC. If all goes well, you may now transport and duplicate data or folders in its IC device or an external memory disk to your PC. The warning light must be off to eject the IC cord and external memory disk drive safely.
How to transfer VOICE RECORDING files from Sony ICD-UX560F voice recorder to your computer?
Connect the IC device USB cord to your computer USB channel and wait until there is a successful attachment to the IC voice recorder connector. You can then duplicate and transport the data covering VOICE RECORDINGS saved in its REC_FILE folder or MUSIC binder. IC devices are capable of storing 5000 folders then they can copy until 199 data into one folder. Take note that the indicator light must be off to detach the external Memory disk drive or IC voice recorder from your personal computer safely.
Information on data stored before transporting to a personal computer:
Data collected appears in the Recorded files under its REC_FILE folder. On the other hand, a MUSIC folder saves under MUSIC. Upon transporting data, see to it that it is visible in its REC_FILE folder or MUSIC binder. Through renaming, recognizing folders will be easier, and files are quicker to find. The IC device can identify eight stages from transported AUDIO folders. However, IC devices are incapable of identifying either folder or data collected in some folder organizer stages.
Note that in the Sony ICD-UX560F organization, the folders or data in its BUILT-IN-MEMORY are under REC_FILE that has FOLDER_01 or RADIO_01.
20. Olympus VN21PC transfer to computer
How to transfer Olympus VN721PC voice recorder files to your computer
Transporting data via device INTERNAL storage
Attach the device via USB cord to a personal computer USB channel and it will immediately be detected then come into view as DISK-DRIVE. IC devices have five folders that will show up in the PC monitors as FOLDER_A, FOLDER_B, FOLDER_C, FOLDER_D, and FOLDER_E, respectively. Duplicate data saved in either of the folders in its IC device internal storage will be transported to the PC.
Renaming data beforehand in duplicating or transferring is okay by selecting under OPTIONS, RENAME. Eject the USB cable safely from the personal computer USB channel. Press its SWITCH button OFF in the IC voice recorder.
Transporting data via IC device MICRO external disk
Link the device via the USB cord on a personal computer USB channel and, it will immediately be recognized then will come into view to be a REMOVABLE drive. Then, navigate into RECORDER under REMOVABLE drive. IC devices have five folders that come into sight in the PC monitors as FOLDER_A, FOLDER_B, FOLDER_C, FOLDER_D, and FOLDER_E, respectively.
Choose the IC device folder to replicate
Renaming files beforehand in duplicating or transferring is okay by choosing under OPTIONS, then RENAME. Remove the USB cord safely from a PC, then click its SWITCH button OFF in the IC voice recorder.
REMINDER: Check the LED device indicator light before removing the Olympus VN21PC USB cord from the personal computer because it exposes your data to damage.

I’ve been dictation blogging for over 9 years now and it’s truly changed my life. I teach fellow bloggers the ins and outs of voice blogging so they can take their productivity to a whole new level.